Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Adam and Sarah's China trip

This picture was taken by my brother in law, Adam, when he and Sarah went to Beijing last year.

Funny story: While I am in Beijing, Sarah and Adam will be in Shanghai; of course, China is so huge it's like being in Chicago and Los Angeles at the same time, so we won't see each other.

Until now, I have been living vicariously through their travels--but I look at this picture and realize that very soon I will see something similar. Wow. I am told I have 1 day off to explore downtown Beijing--but if my surrounding area is anything like this, I will sacrifice sleep just to see it in the dark.

1 comment:

Mike Stout said...


That place will probably be crowded with tourists if you go on a Saturday, so I hope you get to go on a weekday. Have fun, can't wait to hear from you two!